Class 12 CBSE Applied Maths

Class 12 CBSE Applied Maths aims to develop an understanding of basic mathematical and statistical tools and their applications in the field of commerce (business/ finance/economics) and social sciences. Topics covered in Class 12th Applied Maths includes : Numbers, Quantification and Numerical Applications, Algebra, Calculus, Probability Distributions , Inferential Statistics, Index Numbers and Time-based data , Financial Mathematics , Linear Programming.

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Q1. Identify the type of matrices given below and write the order of each matrix:

Q2. (i) If A= , find a22 + a32

(ii) If B= , find b21 + b32 - b13

Q3. If A is a matrix of type p x q and R is a row of A, then what is the type of R as a matrix?

Q4. If A is a column matrix with 5 rows, then what type of matrix is a row of A?

Q5. If a matrix has 18 elements, what the possible orders it can have? What, if it has 11 elements?

Q6. If A is a 3 x 3 matrix whose elements are given by aij 1/3| -3i + j |, write the value of a23.

Q7. Construct a 2 x 2 matrix A= [aij] whose elements aij are given by:
(i) aij = 2i-j
(ii) aij = |2i-3j|.

Q8. Construct a 2 x 3 matrix B= [bij] whose elements bij are given by:
(i) bij = i-3j
(ii) aij = (i+2j)2.

Q9. (i) If , find the values of x and y.

(ii) Find the value of x, if

(iii) If , find the value of (x + y).

(iv) If , then write the value of (y — x).

Q10. Find the values of a, b,c and d from the following equations :

Q11. Find x, y, if

Q12. (i) Write the number of all possible matrices of order 2 x 3 with each entry 1 or 2.
(ii) Write the number of all possible matrices of order 2 x 2 with each entry 1, 2 or 3.

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