Class 12 CBSE Applied Maths Number Quantification & Numerical Applications Case Study

Class 12 CBSE Applied Maths aims to develop an understanding of basic mathematical and statistical tools and their applications in the field of commerce (business/ finance/economics) and social sciences. Topics covered in Class 12th Applied Maths includes : Numbers, Quantification and Numerical Applications, Algebra, Calculus, Probability Distributions , Inferential Statistics, Index Numbers and Time-based data , Financial Mathematics , Linear Programming.

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Q1. Modulo Arithmetic

There are 24 hours in a day. To know the time we use clocks. There are mainly two types of clocks. 12 hours clock and 24 hours clock. 12 hours clock repeat itself twice in a day i.e. 24 hours of a day are divided into two periods called a.m. (ante meridiem) and p.m. (post meridiem). Each period consists of 12 hours numbered 12 (acting as 0), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8,9, 10, 11. Then 24 hours per day cycle starts at 12 midnight (usually indicated as 12 a.m.) runs through 12 noon (usually indicated as 12 p.m.) and continues just before midnight at the end of the day.

Based on the above information, answer the following questions:

(i) It is currently 7:00a.m. in 12 hours clock. The time in next 492 hours will be

(a) 7:00a.m.
(b) 7:00 p.m
(c) 19:00a.m.
(d) 19:00 p.m.

(ii) If the time after 640 hours from now will be 9:00 p.m., then current time is

(a) 5:00a.m.
(b) 5:00 p.m.
(c) 4:00 a.m.
(d) 4:00 p.m

(iii) What time in 24 hours clock is equivalent to 2:00 p.m. in 12 hours clock?

(a) 2:00
(b) 22:00
(c) 14:00
(d) 16:00

(iv) What time in 12 hours clock is equivalent to 20:00 in 24 hours clock?

(a) 4:00 a.m.
(b) 4:00 p.m.
(c) 8:00a.m.
(d) 8:00 p.m.

(v) Which of two times are same in 12 hours and 24 hours clocks respectively?

(a) 01:00a.m., 13:00
(b) 02:00 p.m., 02:00
(c) 03:00 p.m., 15:00
(d) 04:00a.m., 16:00

Q2. Partnership

Investment of Capital for Unequal Periods

When capitals of different partners are invested in business for different length of time, the capital is first adjusted to a common period say 1 month or 1 day by multiplying each partner's capital by the period for which it is invested. The profit sharing ratio is then determined from the adjusted effective capital.

A, B and C engaged in a business and made investment and withdrawal of capital as follows:

January 1, A put ₹15000, on May 1, A added ₹10000 and withdrew ₹8000 on October 1;
B put in ₹20000 on January 1, withdrew ₹5000 on July 1 and added ₹2000 on November 1;

C put in ₹15000 on January 1, withdrew ₹5000 on April 1 and added ₹20000 on September 1.

At the end of the year B's share of profit is ₹9630.

Based on the above information, answer the following questions:

(i) A's effective capital for 1 month is

(a) ₹57000
(b) ₹228000
(c) ₹236000
(d) ₹328000

(ii) Sum of B's and C's effective capitals for 1 month is

(a) ₹107000
(b) ₹429000
(c) ₹215000
(d) ₹214000

(iii) C's share of profit is
(a) ₹6450
(b) ₹7445
(c)  ₹9675
(d)  ₹10245

(iv) How much A's share of profit is more than B's share?

(a) ₹940
(b) ₹660
(c) ₹720
(d) ₹1090

(v) Sum of A's and C's shares of profit is

(a) ₹18325
(b) ₹20295
(c) ₹21495
(d) ₹19375

Q3. Pipes and Cisterns

A pipe is connected to a tank or cistern. It is used to fill or empty the cistern. The amount of work done by a pipe is a part of the tank filled or emptied in unit time.

Three pipes A, B and C are connected to a tank. A and B fill the tank in 6 hours and 8 hours respectively when operated independently. Pipe C empty the full tank in 12 hours when opened alone

Based on the above information, answer the following questions:

(i) If both pipes A and B are opened together, then the tank can be filled in

(a)4 2/3 hours
(b) 3 3/7 hours
(c) 3 3/4 hours
(d) 2 4/5 hours

(ii) If pipes A and C are opened together, then the tank can be filled in

(a) 12 hours
(b) 16 hours
(c) 20 hours
(d) 24 hours

(iii) If pipes B and C are opened together, then the tank can be filled in

(a) 12 hours
(b) 16 hours
(c) 20 hours
(d) 24 hours

(iv) If all three pipes A, B and C are opened together, then the tank can be filled in

(a) 4.2 hours
(b) 4.6 hours
(c) 4.8 hours
(d) 5 hours

(v) If all three pipes are opened together, then the tank is filled in 24 hours. If pipe C can empty the tank at the rate of 20 litres/hours, then the capacity of the tank is

(a) 40 litres
(b) 60 litres
(c) 80 litres
 (d) 90 litres

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